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Opportunity is presented to you all the time but do you see it?

There was once a pious man living on the banks of a great river. One day, as the rains came and the floodwaters approached, the local residents were given a directive to evacuate their homes. All did so with the exception of this one man who remained, saying, "My faith in God will save me! He will provide." As the floodwaters filled the road, a rowboat approached and the boatman implored the man to get in. Again, the man declined, saying. "No need to leave. My faith will save me." The next day, as the waters rose above the first-floor level, a motorboat once again approached with rescuers pleading for the man to evacuate. Yet again, he declined, saying, "My faith will be my salvation." As the river continued to overflow its banks, the water level now totally submersed the house. A helicopter was sent, lowering a rope to rescue the man who now had climbed onto his roof. Once again, he refused the pleas to evacuate, noting his faith in God. 

The next thing he knew, this pious man found himself at the gates of heaven, realizing that he had drowned. Angry and indignant, he approached an angel, saying, "How could this have happened? Why did my faith not save me?"

The angel looked at her register and said, "It's noted here that we sent two boats and a helicopter. What more did you want?"

Belief without action is self-delusion.